Helping You Mature Spiritually Through the Word of God, Prayer, & Application
Bible Scripture Challenges
Over 30 monthly Bible Scripture Challenges to help you learn, study, journal, and apply the word of God. Includes playlists for worship.
A Spiritual Warrior Journal
Use to journal throughout challenges and learn how to break down scripture, understand the Bible, meditate on God’s word, and become A Spiritual Warrior!
Spiritual Mentorship
A discipleship program equipping believers with God’s Word, prayer, worship, encouragement, mentorship, and the tools to walk in your God given purpose.
God commands us to pray without ceasing. The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. Learn to develop a powerful and effective prayer life.
Bible Study
A practical way to dig deeper into the Word by spending time with God, learning how to build a foundation on His Word, truths, principles, and live them out daily.
You can’t grow in isolation. Join our community and grow alongside others on your journey with Christ. You’ll also receive weekly Sunday Sermon notes and all Bible Scripture challenges.
What is A Spiritual Warrior?
A Spiritual Warrior is one who lives a life of God and stands through life’s battles with their head held high. A Spiritual Warrior believes and knows that God is leading them in every aspect of their lives and that no harm will be placed upon them. A Spiritual Warrior knows that God has already won the battle for them and they do not have to fight for victory, but from victory. A Spiritual Warrior is obedient, faithful, courageous, and trusts God’s will for their life. A Spiritual Warrior knows that there is nothing that is too hard for God.
A Spiritual Warrior knows that life’s challenges are all apart of God’s plan and everything is simply meant to build their muscle, their character, their faith, and make them stronger. A Spiritual Warrior prays through it all, good and bad.
2 Chronicles 20:17 | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
A Spiritual Warrior is continuously growing closer to God through reading the gospel, prayer, fasting, and applying biblical principles to their everyday lives. A Spiritual Warrior uses their spiritual weapons to conquer all that is thrown on their path.
Ephesians 6:11-12
About the Creator
Chatoya Antwine is the Author of A Spiritual Warrior Journal and Founder of A Spiritual Warrior where she hosts monthly bible scripture challenges to help individuals study the Bible, understand and analyze scripture, and learn how to apply it to their everyday lives and circumstances. Daily she sends inspirational morning messages, #ChatoyaInspires, along with scriptures to serve as encouragement and a reminder to keep your faith and trust God throughout your day.
Chatoya was born and raised in Detroit, MI. After graduate school she moved to Chicago to start her corporate career in accounting. After 5 years, with permission from God, she stepped out on faith to move to Atlanta, GA to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. Chatoya is the Owner and Event Marketer and Planner of A la carte Galore Agency. She also in an intercessor and a woman of unshakeable faith who loves God.
“I started following this powerful woman about 2 years ago. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon her page but I’m ever so glad that I did.. I instantly became intrigued with her transparency and her ability to tell her truth to help others.. over the last 2 years, during some of my most difficult times, I have reached out to Chatoya and asked for prayer.. never expecting a response back BUT always getting one.. During times when my anxiety was beginning to take over my life Chatoya assisted me with restoring my faith in God and praying for me… she’s truly amazing.“
“I originally came across your page from someone I went to college with who had posted about your journey to Africa. Once I started following you via Instagram I was just so inspired by your page overall. I saw where you posted you would be doing a you-tube series on your testimony. Im always so intrigued in hearing other peoples testimonies because it allows me to hear how awesome God is and how he is moving in other peoples lives. I started watching your you-tube series “Unshakeable Faith” not knowing that God would use your testimony as encouragement and light in my life. During the time that you released your you-tube series I was going through a difficult time on my journey and just by listening to you share your story it became motivating and encouraging that God is capable of working all things out even when you sometimes feel like you can’t see the light.
So I thank you for your boldness and being so selfless and sharing with the world how God moved on your behalf and how you always had such strong faith. Sometimes we don’t share our testimony because we don’t want people to know everything we have been through; but I believe God uses people and their testimony to help bring others to him know the goodness of him. So thank you again for being a blessing to my life and being obedient to God when he lead you to share the series “Unshakeable Faith.”
“A Spiritual Warrior helped me in my walk with Christ, I enjoy the monthly scriptures and playlist. I write down each verse everyday on an index card and memorize them. Memorizing the Bible is a challenge for me, but having daily scriptures each month helps me and when I hear it or see I can easily remember where it came from.
She is also my prayer partner, so weekly we pray together. I remember telling her how I wanted to get to that level of courage and she offered to pray with me. For someone to make time out of their busy schedule for me meant a lot. She is a fearless leader and woman of God and I inspire to get to that point one day. I enjoy looking up to her!!”
-Tomekia Teasley