The definition of fire is a combustion or burning that gives out bright light, heat, and smoke. To supply with fuel. Set on fire. To be kindled. Stimulate or excite. Burning passion. To give life. To fill with enthusiasm. To drive out or away.

Fire refines. Fire purifies. Fire is consuming.

Refine: free from impurities. To become pure or perfected. Amend. Better. Enhance. Improve. Upgrade.

Purify: to clear from material defilement or imperfection. Free from guilt or undesirable elements. Cleanse. Purge. Sanctify.

Consuming: strongly and urgently felt. To make complete use of. Completely filling one’s mind and attention. Absorbing. Engrossing. Dominating. Intense. Powerful. Ardent.

Is anything speaking to your life right now? Let’s dig a little deeper.

Do you need to experience any of these in your life?

What does God need to refine and purify in your life right now?

What does God need to drive out of your life right now?

Do you need to be fueled? Ignited? Filled with a passion and desire to seek after God, His best, and Him alone?

Today is Day 2 of the Bible scripture challenge, Set a Fire, so after seeing this picture I went to see what God had to reveal in today’s verse which reads:

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:28-29

In this particular verse, the Greek definition of fire means of the holiness of God, which consumes all that is inconsistent therewith.

I’m praying that God removes everything from your life that is not of and like Him. That He sets a fire so deep in your soul that it’s uncontainable and uncontrollable. May He decrease you and increase the Holy Spirit within you allowing for less of you and more of Him. May His Spirit overtake you and fill you to full and overflow. I pray that you would submit and surrender your will to His will. I pray that God would refine and purify you. May you receive a burning passion to love, worship, and obey Him like never before. Let God have His way in your life and your heart.

I was driving this morning and the sky was absolutely beautiful and bright. It reminded me of fire, literally, that’s all I could see. I’ve been seeing the word fire a lot hence this month’s Bible scripture challenge which is focused on Set a Fire. Gaining new knowledge and insight on the word fire and from a biblical perspective.

God wants to ignite a new fire in you. He wants to change you. Let Him!